Thursday, August 18, 2011

This vs That, MCF Style!

This vs That is a comparison of goodies you could buy at a chain retail store versus the handmade counterpart.  This edition is doing the comparison up against my Military Circle of Friends (MCF) gang.

Hovering Agate necklace by Anthropologie $38

Amethyst Amulet -  Heal Thy Self necklace
Amethyst Amulet by Winddancer Designs $39
 Personally I like the necklace by Winddancer Designs better; there is a lot more detail and finishing touches, for practically the same price. Not to mention, I'd rather buy handmade. 

Black and Creme Zebra Pouch from A Stones Throw $10
Pyramid Stud Clutch from The Gap $29.95

The above is a clutch from the Gap.  Not only is the wristlet from A Stones Throw 20 bucks less expensive, but the fabric instead of PU (yuck, is right) makes it washable, for those times when your lipstick cap fall off, or if you have an isue with a pen getting loose.

Echo 'Quilt Stitch' Newsboy Cap
Echo Newsboy Cap from Nordstrom's $35

Womens Cotton Visor Buckle Newsgirl or Newsboy Cap - White
White Buckle Newsgirl from Two Seaside Babes $37

Not only is the Two Seaside Babes hat made by a handcrafting artisan, but it is also 100% cotton (the Echo hat is an acrylic/nylon/spandex blend).  And if you ask me the design looks sturdier and more complex than the Echo hat from Nordstrom's.


  1. I love this post! Great idea of comparing name brand to handmade!

  2. What a great post! I was just thinking about this today. While my own handmade soap is still curing I grabbed a bar of Olive Oil Soap from Kiss My Face off the shelf at the grocery store. It was fairly expensive and it's VILE and gives me hives. I should have bought from you instead!
